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Cyber Monday Sale!
Ends Midnight Nov. 28th


Bring Her Back!:

A course to transform your mindset and rebuild your confidence after 50


Is a lack of confidence holding you back from fully enjoying your personal and professional life and becoming the woman you were meant to be after 50?


Are you struggling with empty nest syndrome, job lay-offs or other life–changing transition that’s left you questioning your identity and self-worth?


Are you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from who you truly are?

I've been there! Hi! This is Cheryl and I know how you feel. You see, a few short years ago, I came face to face with self-doubt and loss of confidence. I don’t know if it was attributed to waking up to an empty nest or to life circumstances after 50. I just knew it was real.


Like many of you, I lost track of the woman I knew I should and could be. But, I did not give up. I made a decision and implemented the strategies I will teach you in this course to live life to its fullest.


You do not have to lose site of who you are. That fearless woman who could do anything is still there. We just have to bring her back!    


I want to invite you to this online video course: Bring Her Back. In this video, you will discover how to reclaim your confidence and slay the nagging doubts and fears that have kept you stuck for too long.


Learn how to:


  • Reaffirm your identity using the “I Am” Identify Booster


  • Eliminate the negative self-talk that robs you of your confidence


  • Prioritize personal time


  • Unlearn negative habits and overcome self-doubt 


  • Master a Winning Mindset and apply the 7 Habits of ME   our winning strategy for a more confident life. 


No more excuses!

No more solemn sighs!
No more tears!


Cyber Monday Special


Imagine having the confidence to start that business, find love again, go back to college or do the things you've been dreamng of. It's time to Bring Her Back



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