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Hi! I'm Cheryl. I'm well over 50Something now (whoa that happened fast) and I've never felt better about life and where I'm taking it. You see, as women, we've spent most of our life letting life take us - to work, to being a wife and mother, to being the end all of our church and community. Yes, life has taken us and once we reached that magical age of 50 it dropped us off in the middle of no where. Now what?


I experienced the "now what?" and that's what drove me to developing 50Something Lifestyle. You see, a few short years ago, I experienced a tremendous business loss that left me in debt and in depression. I was an interior designer and the housing market crash of 2008 left me (and a whole lot of people in the industry) holding the responsibility for hundreds of thousands of dollars in products literally overnight.


To say the least, I was devastated. Not just because of the loss of the business, but because I felt that I had let so many people down. That led to depression, which led to fear and to make a long story short, I chose to do nothing. It was safer. It seemed the right thing to do at the time and it seemed that at 50Something, I should probably quit while I was ahead.


During this time, I met many women in their 50Somethings who were experiencing that same feeling or being stuck and unable to move. Well one day, my son jolted me to reality and I knew that I had to make a move or I was going to be "stuck" in my chair forever.


I got up, dusted myself off, got some coaching and mentoring and began to live again. This time equipped with the expertise and experience of 30+ years of professional and business success. 


I created 50Something Lifestyle to help women just like me and you deal with the "now what". I know you are not ready to be done, just because of a layoff or retiring from a job you hated anyway. You're ready to live at the highest level possible because you now have a second chance?


My desire is to help you re-invent your life and live a life of purpose and passion. My goal is to help you understand that being 50Something is the beginning. It's the time to reset and build the 50Something Lifestyle of your dreams.


Who Am I?


I'm sure you are wondering "Who is this lady and what qualifies her to be here?" First off, I've been there - right where you are.


  • I know what it's like to give your ALL to a company for many years only to be laid off for no reason anyone can explain.


  • I know what it's like to take the leap of faith to business ownership and then find yourself so deep in debt that you have to close the doors and put up a big, fat FAILURE sign.


  • I know what it feels like to raise three incredible children and have that "hole" in your heart as each of them leaves to go and explore the world on their own terms.


  • I know what it's like to be so afraid of doing anything of substance because you lack confidence or fear that you will fail.


  • I know what it's like to watch technology continue to evolve while you're still trying to figure out how to post on Facebook.


  • And, I know what it's like to lose all confidence and self assurance because you have no idea where you fit in the world anymore.


Good News! I came through it all stronger and more confident and that's why I want to share what I've learned with you.


Why Me?


Good question. I should at least give you a little professional background just in case you are wondering why you should listen to me. 


I have been an entrepreneur for over 30 years and have earned millions of dollars from my various ventures. As a business owner, I was awarded numerous Business Excellence awards, Rising Star in my network marketing company and creator or the Topleaders Business Leadership and Development Training program.


 Professionally, I worked over 15 years as a professional writer and trainer in the technology and retail industries. I also managed a team of writers in a large software corporation that specialized in software for the legal industry.


My passion is mentoring women in business and leadership, especially those over 50. 

Are you ready to make a change in your life RIGHT now?


Schedule your FREE 30-minute coaching session with Cheryl today!

Let's Celebrate! My Podcast is now on Apple Podcast.png

Meet Cheryl Garrison

Cheryl Garrison
50Something Lifestyle


50Something Lifestyle is a resource for women over 50 who are transitioning in their life financially, personally and spiritually. We provide one-on-one and group coaching as well as training opportunities to help you live your BEST life now.

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