
Are you ready to Re-invent Yourself and begin living a Life of Passion and Purpose?
RE-INVENT YOURSELF! A Lifestyle Transformation Guide for Women over 50
My new book, RE-INVENT YOURSELF! is a resource for women over 50 who are ready to make a change from ordinary to extraordinary.
This book is a working guide that is designed to help you re-invent your life. As we grow older, we sometimes get complacent and begin to settle for whatever is happening in our life . If you are not pleased with the way you are living now and want to make a change, this book is for you.
It will help you:
Determine your true identity.
Chart some exciting new possibilities for your life and answer the question, What Do You Want?
Overcome some of the beliefs and obstacles you have created that keep you from achieving your goals.
Begin the process of creating a Lifestyle Reinvention Plan
Commit to this new life that you are creating
Get your copy and begin your lifestyle transformation today! - $12.99

Finding Your Passion eBook
Have you lost your passion and purpose in life?
It's time to recapture it. In this book, Cheryl helps you find your passion and live the life you were meant to live.
In this ebook, you will:
Uncover the two main reasons we lose passion in our life after 50
Learn how to reconnect with the woman in the mirror
Discover the 5 ways to find and re-ignite the passion in our life
Recognize the lack of passion in our life so you can do something about it.
Download your ebook for Only $7

Change Your Life in 20 Days Online Course
Creating your 50Something Lifestyle Re-Invention Plan begins with knowing who you are and where you are going NEXT on your professional and personal journey. The Re-Invention eCourse is a 6-Module online course designed to guide you to the next level. Whether you are looking to start a new business, re-ignite the fire in your current business, educate yourself or live a life of great purpose, this course is for you.
Change is about mindset and having a plan to move forward. This course contains the following modules to assist you as you embark on this journey of change:
Module 1: Lifestyle Assessment - It's hard to know where you are going unless you know where you've been and your current location. I called this your GPS. Just like your smartphone, you can't get directions to a particular destination without identifying your "current location". With Google Maps, if you don't know your starting point, it picks an arbitrary location and then begins to chart your course for getting there. Sometimes it gets you to the location, sometimes it starts you off in another country. This module will give you the tools and assessments to get a clear picture or your lifestyle RIGHT NOW. If it is lacking in passion and purpose, you will have the information you need to begin making a change.
Module 2: Who are You and How Do You Change? - Are you passive and sitting back letting life happen to you? Or, do you know your strengths and weaknesses but can't put together a life direction that leads you to a passionate and purposeful life. This module helps you determine "who you are". You will leave this module with a clear evaluation of yourself, the real McCoy. It can be daunting to get to this place but it is a crucial step in your whole re-invention journey.
Module 3: Life Possibilities! What do You Want Out of Your Life? - I want to start a new business. No, I want to go back to college and get my Master's or Doctorate. I want to quit my job and learn a new trade. I want to sell my house, move near my grandchildren and enjoy being a grandmother. Oh yeah, I want to run a marathon...I want my life to be filled with possibilities that bring passion and purpose. This module will help you sort through the "I wants" and get to the things that will have the most meaning for you. If you're like many of us in the 50Something family, you may have squelched all your I wants and are settling for mediocre "I haves". This module is a true life changer.
Module 4: Get it Done! Overcoming the Beliefs that Limit Your Success - This module is all about turning "I cants" into resounding "I cans". We make excuses and procrastinate out of many fears that we bring with us from our childhood. In this module we will explore the beliefs that you have come to think as fact and rid them from your thought process.
Module 5: Create Your Lifestyle Re-Invention Plan - This module is the heart of your re-invention journey. You learn how to create goals based on your identified life possibilities. Once idenitfied, you will learn how to prioritize them, create them so that they are SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and have a timeline). At the end of this module, you WILL have a plan of action.
Module 6: Implementing Your Plan - Ready, set, go! This is it. You have a plan, you know more about yourself than you ever thought possible, you've shed yourself of nasty beliefs that have been holding you back...now it is time to put your plan into action. You will learn simple activities that will help ensure success.
Throughout the eCourse, you will have access to me by text, email or pre-arranged phone consultation. You are never left to figure it out.
Sign Up for this Online Course for only $49.97