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Don’t Wait for Re-Invention. Create It.

Re-invention is intentional. It doesn’t happen by mistake. It’s not something that you think about and then “poof” you’re re-invented. Re-invention is a deliberate, planned and executed action that you take to change your life. When you re-invent your life, you create a new one based on new goals and dreams.

What are you dreaming of creating for your life after 50? A new business? Retirement? Travelling to exotic places? Writing a book? Painting a masterpiece? Whatever your dreams, they won’t come true unless you do what it takes to make them happen. It would be wonderful and somewhat miraculous if we could dream our dreams and then they somehow mysteriously come true. But, the reality is until you shift into creation mode, your dreams will never be realized.

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How do you make the shift? How do you create the right conditions for your dreams to come to fruition? You follow my four-step re-invention plan which I outline in detail in my book Re-Invent Yourself! A Transnational Guide for Women Over 50.

Here is a brief synopsis of what re-invention is all about:

Know Yourself! – Get back in touch with the woman of your youth - the woman who would not take NO for an answer. The woman who was ready to conquer any situation and come out ahead. What are you afraid of now that you are 50Something? Yes, you’ve failed at some stuff. And there were some goals you had for yourself that did not happen. Get over it. Know the woman looking back at you in the mirror and get back the confidence that made you who you are. Face your obstacles and defeat them.

Heal Yourself! – It’s time for a little forgiveness. It doesn’t matter that the things you said you were going to do didn’t get done. It happened to all of us 50Somethingers. It’s a part of life. What you do after the fact is the key to healing.

Re-Invent Yourself! – Make a plan. Don’t just think about how you want your life to be now that you are 50Something. Write it down. Orchestrate it. Create it. What does life look like for you now that your kids are all grown up or you’ve finally left that job that’s no longer relevant in your life? What can you do with this new found independence? This is the time to reach inside and find your passion and purpose and re-invent.

Commit Yourself! – Be accountable to the change you want in your life. Only you hold the key to re-invention. Get an accountability partner to help you along the journey. Don’t stop until you reach your goals, you fulfill the re-invention plan that you have created. It is truly your time. Never give up!

I hope this brief review of the re-invention steps will give you the little nudge you need to set the wheels in motion for creating your re-invented life after 50. They can truly make a difference.

Frieda, one of my clients, took on the challenge of re-invention and now she is getting ready to launch a business that she had been wanting to start for over 10 years. She says, “If you are in a slump and looking for a way out, ladies I recommend you look into this opportunity it just might change your life. God truly blessed me through the coaching with Cheryl truly put me on track. Thank you Cheryl.”

You too can get back on your track to re-invention by following these four steps. If you feel you need some help in getting to the creation phase, schedule a complimentary strategy call with me. I would love to speak with you and discuss how you can move forward with a plan. Go to to schedule your strategy call.

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